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Austal Australia has launched Hull 392, a 70-meter offshore crew transfer vessel for CMS Azerbaijan

Updated: Mar 2, 2023

Austal Australia has launched Hull 392, a 70-meter offshore crew transfer vessel for Caspian Marine Services Limited (CMS) of Azerbaijan, at the company’s Henderson shipyard in Western Australia. Following the contract award in June 2015, construction began in October 2015. In parallel with the forward hull module fabricated at Austal Philippines in Balamban, Cebu, the stern hull module and superstructure were constructed at Austal Australia. In March 2016 the forward hull was transported to Henderson where the superstructure and stern were connected. In March 2016 the forward hull was transported to Henderson where the superstructure and stern were connected. On 8-13 August 2016 the vessel performed successfully the sea trials. Based on a design by Incat Crowther, the Austal Large Crew Transfer 70 – named Rashid Behbudov – is on schedule for delivery to CMS in the third quarter of 2016, following final fit-out and completion of sea trials. The 30 knot, 150 passenger catamaran features a 400sqm cargo deck and is configured to allow ‘walk to work’ crew transfers between vessel and offshore installations, via an Ampelmann platform.

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